Tagged Base64

If you work with digital values such as digital signatures, public keys, and transaction identifiers, Tagged Base64 can help you avoid confusion and detect corruption through three features.

The two forms below allow you to experiment with encoding and decoding values using Tagged Base64. The tag and value are alphanumeric separated by a tilda (~). Base64 requires two additional characters.

The additional characters are underscore (_) and hyphen (-).

Disclaimer: If any of this is unfamililar, it might be tempting make assumptions. TaggedBase64 is not intended for protecting secrets. There's no encryption here, just encoding. Nothing here stops a bad actor from acting badly. The checksum reduces the chances an error will go undetected; it's not a guarantee.

Here is the source code repository for this interface.

Encode Tagged Base64

Encode a Tagged Base64 by filling out the form below and pressing the Encode button.

Tagged Base64

Decode Tagged Base64

Decode a Tagged Base64 by filling out the form below and pressing the Decode button.

Here are some examples to decode

Tagged Base64
Decoded value